The Hilfskomitee der Galiziendeutschen (Assistance Committee for the Galician Germans) was founded in 1946 as a society to render assistance to all Galician refugee scattered all over Germany. In 1939/40 after the Nazi-German raid on Poland, they were relocated to the so called “Warthegau”, Polish territory annexed to Germany. In 1945/46 they came to Germany as refugees and displaced persons. Many Galician German descendants are living today in the USA, Canada and South America.
The Hilfskomitee der Galiziendeutschen e.V. is organized within the Diaconal Outreach of the EKD (Protestant Church of Germany) and recognized as a nonprofit organization. *)
The number of persons, born in Galicia, is diminishing. Those who were born in Galicia are today over 70 and those who were around 10 when they had to leave Galicia (and who therefore have their own memories) are today at least in their 80’s. Does this mean the end of the “Hilfskomitee” is foreseeable?
Quite the contrary: When after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989/90 the relocated people were able to visit their old homeland, many of them were able to convince their offspring to visit Galicia as well. Consequently the region formerly regarded by the younger with incomprehension became for them a learning experience. At last they were able to understand the tales of their parents and grandparents who they found to be the most competent travel guides imaginable. The younger generation started to realize why their elders still continued their membership in the “Hilfskomitee”. They also found in the “Heilige Band”, the monthly published newsletter, a lot of additional information and advice, beyond the insert “Galizische Perspektiven” (Galician Perspectives) that could enrich the Galician travel experience and aroused an enduring interest in this unforgettable region in the east of Europe.
We continue developing these relations in order to intensify international friendship and understanding.
Now have you become curious about meeting us? Then you probably should take the time for the following pages. It will be worth your while!
*) More about the history of the Hilfskomitee . (Only in German)