Bibliography of the Galiziendeutsche - Geschichte und Erinnerungskultur e.V.
Here is a list of German publications about various topics (in German language only):
Our "Blickpunkt Galizien - Das Heilige Band" - a new name for our newspaper !
It has connected Galician Germans all over the world.
Even today, Galicia and the successor states Poland and Ukraine remain an extremely exciting part of Europe. It presents highly interesting information about old Galicia and both current day Poland and Ukraine which is unavailable anywhere else. The newspaper for members 6 issues a year.
Extracts (in German language): January 2013, February 2013, March 2013, Abril 2013, May 2013, June 2013, July 2013, August 2013, October 2013, November 2013, December 2013,
January 2014, June 2014, July 2014, August 2014, October 2014, November 2014, December 2014,
January/ February 2015, March/ Abril 2015, May/ June 2015, July/ August 2015, September/ October 2015. November/ December 2015,
January/ February 2016, March/ Abril 2016, May/ June 2016, November/December-2016,
March/ Abril 2017, September/ October 2017, Nov./ December-2017 January/ February 2018
July/ August 2018, September/ October 2018, January/ February 2019,July/August 2019, October 2019, Nov./ December 2019, January/ February 2020
in German language
More detailed information about Galicia is available in the "Zeitweiser".
Over the course of its 50-year history, this publication has provided
answers to many questions one may have about Galicia. Thanks to Professor Dr. Erich Müller´s efforts, this compendium continues to chronicle what we know about Galicia, her German settlers and the eventful history of this region.
After it has become more and more obvious, that the return of the Galician Germans to their former homeland was impossible, their leading representatives decided to record the 150 years of German minority live in Galicia for the sake of their children and grandchildren as well as for the posterity.
Consequently since 1965 six Heimatbücher (homeland almanacs) have been compiled and published by the Hilfskomitee, whereas each volume was assigned to a particular subject matter. Insofar the Heimatbücher are an expression of recollection and remembrance.
Heimatbuch I, Heimatbuch II, Heimatbuch III, Heimatbuch IV, Heimatbuch No. V and VI
If you want to order them, please send us a message.
PAYMENT can be effected using PayPal. All payments should be in Euro.
New on the book market
"Vom Warschauer Traktat 1768 zum Protestantenpatent 1861"
Galicia - as it always had been. (in German)
A standard work, for everybody interested in Galicia.
Author: Artur Bachmann, 2012
Rezension (in German): Dr. Martin Sprungala